Wilson Stuart is the founding Academy in the Multi Academy Trust and was originally converted to an academy in 2012, gaining sponsor status in 2014. In 2018 Wilson Stuart school began providing management and school improvement support.
Wilson Stuart School
Wilson Stuart is an all age school (2 to 19) for students who have physical disabilities and complex medical issues. We currently have 270 pupils. Some of our pupils have additional difficulties including sensory impairment, learning difficulties and communication difficulties.
Wilson Stuart has been rated Outstanding by Ofsted for the last 6 consecutive inspections.
Queensbury School
Queensbury is a secondary (11 to 19) special school. We provide education for up to 300 students with specific special educational needs. Our students have Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD), Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC), Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH).
Our facilities have been transformed in recent years with considerable expansion at our main site on Wood End Rd and the opening of our new 6th Form centre on Station Rd, which is called “New Horizons”.
Queensbury school was inspected by Ofsted in May 2023 and was rated good.
Mayfield School
Mayfield School is a school for children and young people aged from 3 to 19 who experience a range of special educational needs and disabilities. There are 310 commissioned places across two sites in North West Birmingham – Heathfield Road in Handsworth and Wheeler Street in Lozells. The Heathfield Road site provides education for children in the early years and foundation stage (EYFS) and also provides all-age education for learners with autism. The Wheeler Street site is co-located with Holte School and Lozells Junior and Infant School and provides education for learners with cognition and learning needs or profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD).
Mayfield School does not have a current Ofsted rating and is awaiting its first Ofsted inspection since becoming an academy and joining Education Impact Academy Trust in June 2021.
Mayfield is proud to be a Unicef Rights Respecting School and holds the silver award. Children’s rights are embedded into the ethos and culture of the school.